Saturday, July 24, 2010


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DATESunday, July 25

LOCATION: Budapest, Hungary
WEATHER:  Today it is cool and raining, but the previous week has been very hot, with the temperature in the shade reaching 37.  At one point, the thermometre I brought with me read 47 in the sun!  However, Joe tells me it is a dry heat. 

ROADS AND TERRAIN:  The roads have been good.  Much of this section has been on dedicated and paved cycle paths.  There has been a small amount on very rough tracks - across a farmers field, through a wooded area, etc. but that has been a relatively small amount.

The heat during the summer of 2ö1ö may compete with the rain of 2öö9 as a major factor we have to contend with.  Although it may or may not be a dry heat, it does not feel like 47 or even 37 when we are cycling.  Probably the breaze we create by moving along makes us feel cooler.  Regardless, we are coping with the heat, drinking litres and litres of water and getting cool whenever possible.
Joe splashes himself from a pump during a short stop in ruraral íhungary.

Young people play in the fountain in the square in Gzor, Hungary to cope with the heat.
It must be hot, even for the citiyens of Budapest.  There were fans spraying a fine mist of water set up in the main square.

 Joes bike was damaged during the flight from Toronto to Vienna.  We fiddled around with it at the airport and on the road but were unable to fix the problem. (The chain would not stay in the lowest 3 gears.)  We were finally able to get it fixed in Bratislava.  As it turns out, the bike was quite badly damaged - both the back forks and rear derailer were bent.  Now things are working well!

Meeting folks along the way is a special part of travelling.  Here Joe talks with Christina and Fidel from the Czeck Republic about how to get out of Gyor, Hungary.  just like last year, it can pose a real challenge getting into and out of cities.

We are trying to see some of the sights and cultural events along the way.  One eveing in Budapest we attended a performance of the NATIONAL FOLKLORE ASSOCIATION, which included traditional music and dancing.

Tomorrow we head south from Budapest along the Danube toward Croatia and Serbia.  The next post should be in about a weeks time, from Belgrade.


St Andrew's PAN Team 2009 said...

Hi Wayne and Joe

Thanks for a great, first summary of how the "heat is on"!

The pictures are great and now many more people will be eagerly awaiting your Armchair Adventure wrap up.

Wishing you well along the way and we'll be keeping you safe in our thoughts.

Ann Fahrun

Brad and Rose said...

Hi guys,

Great pics and notes! We're thinking of you two and hoping you stay safe without losing your sense of adventure.

An admirable journey.

Brad and Rose

PS: We leave on Aug 8 or thereabouts for our own adventure.